If you know me at all, you most likely know that I'm generally not very fond of children. But this will not be a rant about screaming children and parents who need to do a better job.
Recently I find myself observing children. It's very interesting. There are lots of quotes about rediscovering the wonder you felt as a child and trying to get back your childhood imagination. I think there's a reason for that. Young children are often allowed much more personal freedom than adults. They can hop around and dance and make silly faces and noises and just be playful. As we get older, we learn that there are acceptable ways to behave in society and those quirky little behaviors mostly get trained out of us. What a shame. I guess I just wish that people were less judgmental, myself included. Wouldn't it be awesome to live in a world where people really could just be free and follow their natural impulses? As long as you're not hurting someone else or encroaching on their right to do the same, I feel like people should be allowed to be as weird as they want without getting glared at or talked about.
This is one of those times where I had something to say and I feel like my words don't quite express the thoughts in my head. But the general point here is that I don't think that there should be so many rules about how people are supposed to behave in society. Do your thing. Let your freak flag fly. Or something like that.